How to Wreck a Service

Going on twenty-four hours, a good part of the Twitter API is down, and third-party Twitter clients like Tweetbot are DOA. Reports are that inquiries from app companies to Twitter about the situation have gone unanswered.

Is this the result of a lack of support or software engineers at the "new Twitter" or sleazy self-sabotage? Whatever the reason, it's no way to run a company.

Let the third-party clients back in, Twitter!

From 9to5 Mac:

There’s a real possibility that Elon Musk only recently learned that there’s an ecosystem of third-party Twitter apps out there. These apps use the official Twitter API and are (or were) sanctioned by Twitter. The apps don’t, however, show any advertisements on behalf of Twitter.

Regardless of Twitter’s reasoning, this is an awful situation, and, unsurprisingly, Twitter’s communication has been disastrous and cowardly. If the company was planning to make changes to the Twitter API, those changes should have been well-communicated to developers ahead of time.